Learning – ADHD



The way we respond to food varies for each person, just like our fingerprints.

Does ADD, ADHD or affect your child? So much effort is made to correct the symptoms rather than the causes of the problem!

Does this sound like your child, or you?

● Has high sensitivity
● Has an excessive amount of energy
● Bores easily – may appear to have a short attention span
● Will resist authority if it is not democratically orientated
● Has preferred ways of learning, particularly in reading and maths
● Learns from an exploratory level, resists just being a listener
● Cannot sit still unless absorbed in something of their own interest
● May give up when experiences failure and develops a permanent learning block

You might be amazed to hear that what sounds like the diagnostic guidelines of ADD or ADHD is actually a list put together by the American Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children!
According to many researchers and health professionals ADHD and ADD is a very complex condition – but if the underlying causes are dealt with, it opens the way for a successful outcome.
Following are a few examples of stress-causing factors that may be indicated through muscle testing. These stresses have often shown to be relevant for children and adults with ADD, ADHD or learning difficulties (not everything is showing for one person):

● Nutritional stress
● Emotional stress
● Electrical stress
● Chemical stress
● Structural stress

Food additives:
Feeling deprived of time, we often choose processed and packaged foods to meet our dietary needs, which simply means additives are needed. In America for example, more than 10.000 chemical and food additives are approved by the FDA. The majority of additives are safe, but there are some that are harmful and many haven’t been adequately tested.
It’s interesting that nutritionists and food scientists say that food additives are harmless if consumed in the tiny amounts regulated by the FDA. Unfortunately, the use and over-use of food additives have shown to make a (negative) difference!
Examples of scientific studies are listed here:

● According to Dr. Michael Lyon, M.D. In his book: “Healing the Hyperactive Mind: Through the New Science of Functional Medicine” he states that “….it is not uncommon that someone with ADHD is hypersensitive to food additives…” and “…simply by eliminating man-made pesticides and chemical additives in the ADHD diet may significantly reduce the total toxic load on the individual’s brain and body and may pay valuable dividends in terms of health, cognitive performance and behaviour”. To order your copy, click here

● The Great Ormand Street Hospital study in the UK found a link between hyperactivity and the processed foods and the water children consumed. The hospital supplied families of hyperactive children organically grown foods without any additives plus distilled and re-mineralised water. Within two weeks all the children in the study had dramatic improvements in their behavior.

● Dr. Ben Feingold conducted observations of more than 1,200 cases of learning and behaviour disorders. He found that over 50 % of hyperactive children were sensitive to artificial food colours, preservatives, synthetic flavours, phenolic compounds and naturally occurring salicylates. The elimination of food additives resulted in significant improvements of their condition.